петак, 29. јануар 2010.

for Lana

If the morning sun rose, all for the glory of thee,
And your vainglore stretches out beyond all this,
If your protracted arms plants the seed throughout my deeds,
And even mishaps colored grow in heart,
Then I, must be small, before your love.
When darkness gives life to the moon,
And when light is to know it is night,
Upon this endless meadow I wander
Looms the chains of love, to constrict a free man inside a heart.
And oh, sweet defeat, that like tide rises,
Thou art tempest tempting, to whom last drop of blood is given,
Thou art of us a part, which we give, and strive for back.
And if this grey scene, rocks like a boat full of pain,
And if Time's pawns scar my legs, so I could not walk,
If strength that I used and gained from other things,
And if essence of all would somehow get rusted,
There would still be enough of those silvery strings
With whom I could pull back time, and tap into strength
That lies beyond this realm, where a river of thousand suns flows into velvet lining ocean.
And where on sky, stars are paths, from whom magic of your smile descends,
But the Sounding of your smile,
It resounds in my chests, in a shape of a heart...
The universe itself is a place inside your eyes, from where of all love starts.

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